Friday, August 03, 2007

Asterisk has been featured in today's issue of TODAY. (I hate how weird that sounds when you say it. ._.

Will scan and post up the picture soon. Meanwhile, here's a picture taken during our interview.
From left: cass*, Astatine*, d4wn*, furryfish*, =pinksheep*, flawed* who was marshalling but joined us right on time to appear :D
Hime wasn't there yet so unfortunately she didn't get to be in the picture.
Was an exhilarating experience, at least for me, a complete noob to the competitive scene. I would have to say we played really badly, even by our own standards! Was not one of our better days. Girls please fill in the blanks, my memory fails me!
First game: Asterisk*(Scourge) vs m2f (Sents)
Lineup: SF(Cass), Veno(Asta), Zeus(D4wn), Beastmaster(Tammy), Warlock(Dawnsheep)
Bristleback, Tinker, Qop, Lina, Sandking
We were pretty devastated when the opponents picked the bristleback which we had intended to take. Ended up losing pretty badly with me being blicked half the time just before or just after I pull off a poison nova. After the first game we were rather frustrated - A problem with our brackets meant we'd have to win both games, or we weren't advancing.
2nd game: Asterisk*(Scourge) vs AxG(Sents)
Lineup: Viper(Cass), VS(Asta), Sandking(D4wn), Bristleback(Dawnsheep), QoP(Tammy)
Warlock, NA, Veno, Zeus, Tinker
In this game we had a good draft - Ice, Ant and Wan were advising us on the sidelines, while Shan was there with us discussing the drafts. The last draft was a fight between silencer and VS, both my heroes, and it ended up with VS. Needless to say I was pretty worried as my VS is still in need of lots of training. Me and D4wn ended up farming horribly - So much of my gold was spent on wards that kept getting destroyed, and eventually I just fed. Dawnsheep had to farm and farm and wasn't able to be part of our engagements, D4wn didn't get her blink dagger up so there wasn't a single epic due to it being cancelled, or just not being cast. My chasing timing was wrong so I didn't help kill much and I was running around too often to gain any significant exp, and Cass was farming well as usual, but was somewhat distanced when it came to the engagements.
With that failure on our hands, we wandered aimlessly around before D4 went off, then we went to eat. Later we went training and just playing lan pubs together, after drawing up a list of heroes to use.
There is no 'i' in team. We definitely need to forget about what we like to do, what we feel like doing or don't feel like doing, if we intend to ever make progress. Ie. It's not enough for me to say something like, "I can't farm so I won't play a farmer." All of us need to get sufficiently versatile, both in heroes and roles. And if we continue to be just focussing on what we like doing, we won't succeed.

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